To the Honourable Police Commissioner, Mr Lechevalier,
Re: J’aimerai un rendez-vous avec vous s’il vous plait?
I would like to take this opportunity to first introduce myself. My name is Anne Lucy Gelicrisio, I am Australian (dual passport holder) and currently living in Paris, 75001. I arrived on December 2, 2017, to start my life again; however, enduring a complicated international divorce problem that is experiencing lengthy time delays and not yet scheduled for the first hearing via the divorce courts; which has made me involuntary homeless.
I’ve been forced into homelessness because my husband refused to continue my rent (until such time I gain employment), after I locked him out of our rental in Malta, for family violence. I didn’t have the money to do it but I couldn’t afford the violence either. IT WAS A DOUBLE EDGE SWORD.
My husband, Bradley Agius, (born 17/11/89), who after my arrival also decided to make himself comfortable in Paris, 75001, has strong bonds in EUROPOL, who have made every effort on his behalf to obstruct my opportunities for advancement abusing power of position, to say the least.
The obvious solution is the divorce courts; I am currently self-represented with NO social workers involved and that’s by my choice, as I am intelligently driven, perfectly capable of communicating my own needs in both written and verbal English, asserting myself and able to fill in my own paperwork relevant to my case.
I’ve been trying to file a strictly self -represented case against via the divorce courts since my arrival, for divorce by fault. My marital status remains unchanged since ceasing co-habitation.
In the mean time I am getting politically active, drawing up a marketing plan for a campaign (‘The Campaign’) that I am directing, aimed to reunite the Catholic Church with France in partnership with the French Republic – due to commence February/March 2021 – and currently writing a book titled, “Heralds Of The Holy Grail”, telling the story of Saint Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes (South of France) and the Miracles that followed, to better support ‘The Campaign’.
On the streets I am getting politically active instead of breaking the law!
Currently drawing up a marketing plan for a campaign (‘The Campaign’) that I am directing, aimed to reunite the Catholic Church with France in partnership with the French Republic, which is due to commence March 2021; and currently writing a book titled, ‘Herlads Of The Holy Grail’, telling the story of St Bernadette Soubirous, in Lourdes (South East of France) and the Miracles that followed, to better support and introduce ‘The Calpaign’.
People have forgotten that the Catholic Church is at the very core of both French History and Culture and therefore, an integral part of the French Identity.
Since my arrival, the French Police (who also represent ‘the people’), have ensured my safety and offered friendship. ‘The Campaign’ is my way of giving back; a strategy to block Political Islam from advancement, who are attacking the French Republic with the Rule Of Law, and murdering in the Muslim Faith.
As long as France has no religion, Political Islam has the opportunity for advancement and they are rapidly forming in the outskirts of Paris, promoting Separatism and recruiting by numbers people who want immunity from the police for their dangerous agenda. Their aim is to convert the French Republic into an Islamic State and they silence through terror. Currently there is nothing blocking them nor do they seem to understand that in France, Islamic Law cannot supersede the French Legal System. The lack of government action calls for the intervention of the Catholic Church. Political Islam cannot conquer the Catholic Church backed by Rome, who jealously protect and this had been proven in Malta, despite the large Muslim population that resides there, on such a small island that appears a mere dot on the world map.
It’s important to note that Malta, has never abandoned the Catholic Church – and refusing the lie down in WWII, with the Rosary Beads in their hands – Malta was the only country that defeated Hitler (in collaboration with Mussolini), who attempted to take over the country. Malta was dubbed the most bombed country on earth and awarded the St George Cross for their bravery (displayed on their flag), BECAUSE GOD ALWAYS WINS!
Relevant to this communication, the French Police at the first district police station allowed the use of the spare office that is located inside to the right of the entrance way – which was previously used for police reports that are NOW ALL done in the 3rdand 4thdistricts police stations – that I am no longer permitted to use because the police have NOW been seriously threatened with Sanctions by The Commander, Mr Puech (who will sanction any police officer that continues to support ‘The Campaign’ by (a) providing a safe working environment and (b) electricity to charge my lap top while using it overnight inside the police station, on the desk to the left of the entrance-way that is in constant view of duty police.
There are three issues of concern that have been brought to my attention by police, who are calling the threat of Sanctions A SCANDAL.
1. Complaints have been made directly to The Commander, Mr Puech, by a police officer from the BTC (I’ve been told); who alleged that I roaming around the police station during the nights without the knowledge and without the consent of duty police.
(If I may have a chance to respond to that Monsieur: this is a FALSE accusation. In fact I’ve been told by duty police working nightshift on several occasions, to access the toilet anytime I need without asking ALL THE TIME and that if I need to access any other part of the police , to ask first. I have been FULLY COMPLIANT without fail to ALL instructions given by police).
2. The second compliant made against me is also FALSE. It suggests that I have been inviting homeless people into the police station, apparently unlocking the door to facilitate their entry against police instructions, defying the signage displayed on the front door that reads ‘NO ACCESS’ to the public (unless consented).
(In response: I have NO ASSOCIATIONS what-so-ever, with homeless people in Paris. I don’t know any of them, not even those who speak English. The only friends I have are the police in the first and third districts police stations, trusted friendships that I’ve hold over the past three years. My personal associations however, are all in Australia; and just to be very clear, I have NEVER invited homeless people into the police station.
3. The third was just a suspicion but a dangerous one, it suggests dealing drugs to homeless people and the lower class… (and that apparently, ‘I can easily fool medical practitioners…’)
This is UNACCEPTABLE Monsieur, and completely DEFAMATORY and I’d like to know which police officer has suggested it.
In response: I take offence to this, a malicious accusation that has the capacity to destroy my good relations with the French Police, who are also protecting me, ensuring a safe place to sleep at nights (by the 1stDistrict Police Station, rue Marche Saint Honore). Furthermore, it makes no sense that I would even be guilty of such crimes when I’ve never got any money to spend on the things I needs (except for the donations that police offer from time to time). This is without a doubt a NASTY attempt to sabotage any opportunities I may have for advancement. I’ve been living in Paris for three years enduring homelessness the entire time and under the watchful eye of police AND there has NEVER been any evidence to suggest and/or support such dealings in illegal activity. Given that I cannot close the door and that I am in the face of the public 24/7 with absolutely NO PRIVACY there is no place to hide such crimes; drug dealing (and/or taking, shop lifting and prostitution, would immediately become public knowledge and reach the police within a few hours. One cannot hide such crimes, when one cannot close the door.
THE MOTIVES TO SUCH COMPLAINTS REMAIN A MYSTERY TO BOTH ME AND DUTY POLICE WHO HAVE ASSISTED ME and want to start a petition to reverse the decision that Mr Puech has made!
Such attacks on my good character has ultimately seen to my exclusion from the first district police station (including toilet use); in-turn prevented me from continuing my work on ‘The Campaign’ in a safe working environment, that if successful, would prove of public benefit. I cannot use my printer and lap top in the rain.
I understand the French Police are making efforts to become more ‘Repiblican’and I also understand that my request to continue working on my campaign inside the police station (utilizing the spare office) complies with the “14 Engagements Pour Vous Rendre Un Meilleur Service”; which states “Nous accueillons de manière adaptée les personnes en diffiucluté” – No. 5, on the list of ‘Engagements’.
I don’t know what impression Mr Puech, has of me now, after receiving the above mentioned complaints but it’s important to note that I’ve never had the opportunity to meet with him. The police who have communicated the complaints to me want to continue their support for a good cause, however, they don’t want to run the risk of Sanctions imposed by Mr Puech.
This is exactly how irresponsible government action divides the police from ‘the people’ they are supposed to help.
French Police are the soldiers of the Community and the Security of the French Republic and a better relationship between the police and the wider community would without a doubt decrease the suicide epidemic within the police force. When dealing with people’s lives, we must always CARE and be CAREFUL.
THE FIRST STEP TO FIGHTING A FORCE LIKE POLITICAL ISLAM IS UNITY, NOT GUNS – when police have to use guns, lives have already been taken!
Here in this communication, I would like to request a mutually convenient time to meet and communicate on civil terms any concerns you may have regarding my use of the spare office in question (that remains vacant); in hope that I could gain your formal consent to continue using it and I would be happy to comply with any conditions within reason. And just so you understand the type of person you’re dealing with, I am not your average person on the streets. I don’t do drugs, I don’t drink alcohol, I have no mental health problems and I do not give or sell my body to anyone. When I am hungry, I suffer in silence instead of steal (my periods have stopped three years ago because of the loss of weight to hunger). In character, I am highly resilient with a happy-go-lucky disposition and a positive attitude toward life in general. I LOVE GOD and pray the HOLY ROSARY daily and that’s my strength and my spirit. When I wake up each day, instead of frown on the challenges I have to face, I count my blessings. God has blessed me with a happy heart.
In addition, I AM NO RISK to neither the public nor the French Police, who I support with the most honest of intentions.
Monsieur, I trust that an educated man of your caliber understands that without the opportunity to meet with you, I am effectively held back.
Alternatively, if you would like to give your written consent to make use of the spare office as detailed above, and by-pass a meeting all-together, I would obviously welcome it with open arms. It would also give cause to credit the French Police, on the inside of the book –‘Heralds Of The Holy Grail – once published (given that I meet the publication deadline in 2021).
Anne Lucy Gelicrisio
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