What’s happening to the European Union? What was once a good idea is now a system governed by dictators, steering France into absolute chaos. From the violation of the 5th Constitution of the French Republic, (‘the people’s’ political rights) and terrorist attacks (the worst in decades in 2015, hitting France the hardest), to unjustified tax hikes and poor working conditions, and a deprivation of liberties (the COVID19); not to mention the attacks on French Tourism Dollars (the most visited country on earth, including Burning of Notre Dame).
In addition to ALL that, the division between the French police, the fire fighters and the wider community is getting worse, despite the hogwash the media babbles, who collect millions in subsidies from the European Union, each year (they publish what they‘re told to publish, that‘s why they‘re unreliable).
The French police are in affect isolated and it’s the silence that’s killing them not the violence; and just to add insult, the French Police now have arrest restrictions preventing them from tackling in full body, offenders of the law to put handcuffs on them. This is the biggest load of bullshit against our law enforcement officers who are already under pressure contending with arrest targets, the state treating them like bankers. For those who don’t know the police are under pressure each month to meet arrest targets, 30 a month.., which was exposed by a French Police women (calling for a reform) rallying against police suicides who was murdered (another alleged suicide).
The French are French, it doesn’t matter what uniform they wear, if you push them, they will push back with equal or greater force - and they are strong, make no mistake about that - the greatest sadness in all this division, is that they are all waving the same flag and their hearts dance to the beat of the same National Anthem; and if they’re flag was changed, their hearts would break the same way. These people are unique, special and wonderful!
NO PROTECTION FOR POLICE IS NO PROTECTION FOR VICTIMS; there simply is not enough protection for the police.
The attacks on the duties of the French Police via the most recent protests in Paris titled, ‘Black Lives Matter’, has raised the question of racism but actually, law enforcement has been overlooked. This is not a black and white issue, this is a law enforcement issue and if the French police had more protection (like Taizer guns for example) they would not have to apply as much force to offenders of the law under arrest.
During my most recent communication with random police officers in Paris, it has been brought to my attention that when the police arrest white people who are in breach of the law, they are processed without arguments, but now what’s happening (since the protests), when police arrest black people for the same crime, the offenders in police custody cry racism to escape punishment; and claim the police are only arresting them because they are black. Police are human beings and naturally, it causes them frustration.
Although we can not support racism, equally, we can not support offenders of the law (just because they are black). We can not have one set of rules for white criminals and another, for black criminals giving leniency for crimes like rape, robbery and murder because they are black.
This is a very good result for Russia (but not for safety of the French Community), when you take into consideration that Russia, are sending black men trained by Russian Military from Africa (where they are stealing the diamonds) to France, targeting the Center of Paris, who are claiming refugee status with no identity documents and denying all ties to Russia, acting poor.
From the mouth of a police officer, I want you all to consider the following information (who will not be described nor named, for privacy and protection purposes;;; because we all know by now that police suicides in France, are not all suicides and thanks to the European Union, Independent Inquiries on Police deaths in France, are as good as forbidden). The safety and protection of the French, comes above and beyond any money that can be made from the European Union.
‘If you come here for France, it’s not a problem (…there’s no mention of colour) but the people we are arresting for robbery, shop lifting and rape are mainly immigrants (…again there’s no mention of colour) who target Paris, specifically to fraud the system and break the law; because they know the prisons are full and in addition to that, the justice system will be lenient on them’.
I replied, ‘why don’t you just deport them, that’s what they do in Australia, it’s cheaper in the long run and it works?’
He said, ‘it’s very difficult, they come from countries like Afghanistan and Africa and live in the same way here in Paris, on the streets, stealing and doing drugs and assaulting women and it’s not safe for the community.., they think they have to steal because they are on the streets, but look at you (he was referring to me) you’re homeless, no family and no money.., and you do not steal and you do not break the law, so it’s really no excuse for them either…’
It is my direct experience that no matter what country you’re in, we all have citizen duties and poverty and war torn backgrounds are no license to disrespect the culture of the country and break the law.
Last summer I spotted four police officers on their bikes confiscating a bucket full of sealed water bottles, for sale for 1euro each, from an Indian man near the Louvre Museum/Pyramids. I stopped and politely asked the police, ‘why are you taking his water bottles, he’s just trying to put food in his mouth?‘ and the lead police officer said, ‘It’s a real business, they are making a lot of money and depriving local businesses of that income, they don’t pay taxes and they don’t care.’
‘Oh’, that’s fair enough I thought to myself but I was curious and after the police left with the bucket of confiscated water bottles, I approached the Indian man and asked him, how much money does he make selling those water bottles to tourists.
He laughed and said, ’girl, if you’ve got a job you’re stupid, I make 600 euros a day selling water bottles and I don’t pay taxes, that’s why me and my friends (he pointed to two others waiting for him at a souvenir shop across the road) chose Paris, because they can’t deport us and tomorrow, we’ll be here going it again.., we‘re smarter than the police‘.
I was disgusted in his response but the Indian’s in Australia, do they same. They come to Australia, and fraud blindly the tax system and when the Australian Government, suspends their welfare payments they group with their established and very large Indian Community and protest loudly in the streets holding up signs of racism. So in response, Australia say’s ‘OK, we are racist’.
Now in all fairness, Australia is very racist against the Aboriginals and it’s wrong that Australia, does not recognize that the real Australians are not white, but against immigrants with this attitude who are not interested in working a day in their life, live off welfare and fraud the taw system blindly, well I think the punishment is a case of justice and not racism.
I had a mother who taught me how to suffer, which helped me to build a strong emotional resistance against torts, and a father who taught me ‘no fear’ in the face of enemies, but under no circumstances did my parents teach me to break the law or fraud the system; but even still, as an adult you don’t need anyone to tell you the difference between right and wrong and if you don’t know what that is then you should check yourself in to the nearest Mental Health Institution and get your head checked.
We give immigrants too much leniency and special treatment because they cry poor but they are not all poor. The definition of Equality in terms of the law, is one set of rules that apply to everyone equally.., ‘same time for the same crime’ and we must support our police who are supporting the safety of the wider community, in duty bound.
The French, under the European Union, are coming last. This is totally unacceptable, given they are a founder and not just another member. The French are subject to a foreign treaty that they said ‘NO’ to, on a first round majority vote; they said ‘NO’ because they are not stupid, the French, knew that any treaty that has the authority to override their local constitution is dangerous for democracy - this is a treaty that can makes decisions independent of the ‘VOICE OF THE PEOPLE‘.
Like Hitler’s rule, this is dictatorship and the strategy is to divide and conquer. When that fails, the economy is attacked; keeping everyone poor to obstruct any opportunity for the state to regain its independence and be free from dictatorship.
First Notre Dame and now the COVID19; but it never ceases to amaze me, how wealthy Arab and Chinese investors with suspected ties to Russia, are swooping in and buying out local businesses fast and cheap while everyone running scared. These investors know exactly what they are doing, if they spend 10 it’s because they know they will make 30.
Russia have wired large sums, what are deemed highly suspicious transactions, to American Politicians from President Trump’s Political Party, through a German Bank governed by the European Union that no one is allowed to audit; they have also (a) decriminalized Domestic Violence in 2017, (b) are supplying China with Electricity for 30 years, (c) getting very rich stealing Diamonds from Africa, giving Free Military Training and supplying weapons too, (d) sending black men trained by Russian Military from Africa to France, targeting the Center of Paris, who are claiming refugee status, with no identity documents and denying all ties to Russia, (e) Russian officials are buying Maltese Passports to give them freedom of movement throughout EU Member States, but instead of spending the required time in Malta (a min. of 2 years), they are frauding Maltese residential addresses and making themselves comfortable in the center of Paris (the European Union, have been alerted by the opposition but failed to investigate); Maltese politicians are keeping very quiet AND GETTING RICH; the vaccine Russia has created for the COVID19, is made available to the Middle East, Asia and the UK… (no mention of France, yet Russians are making themselves comfortable in Paris); and with the financial support of Russia, China (who created the COVID19; and investigations are underway to establish if Russia, paid for it…), has been accused of hacking American Research, while Russia keeps their hands clean and mouths closed dealing in blood diamonds.
(some of this information was recently published in the FT Weekend in English and exposed online via Italian Media Channels in the Italian language)
Now guys, all of this is true and correct BUT if none of it concerns you, than you should hang your head in shame knowing that people are suffering and evil is flourishing because the good ones are doing nothing.
Q: ‘What can you do?’ you might ask, ‘the problem is too big’.
A: Let me remind you of the lesson Jeanne D’Arc taught us all, ‘…that the French united, WILL NOT BE BEATEN’; and she was just a girl!!!!!
TIP: Given the European Union, (a) is still collaborating with terrorist organizations for the oil they are stealing from Libya every year (ISIS Held Territories), profiting a mere 30 Million tax free per annum and (b) opening the back door to immigrants with suspected ties to Russia with no identity checks, (c) the silencing tactics through a serious of terrorists attacks hitting the French the hardest, that they washed their hands from… (d) and now PARIS is for sale to foreign investors, again with suspected ties to Russia, I don’t know what more you want to hear? If you’re waiting for war to break out before you people take action, don’t worry they’re probably planning that too.
The only thing left to do is save your selves by taking back what’s yours, FRANCE (or you stand to lose it all until they collapse your borders and change your flag, and then, it will be too late.
This is almost identical to a domestic violent marriage, where the wife keeps giving chance after chance hoping her violent husband will change (wanting to believe his bullshit) but as long as he’s allowed to continue the abuse, he has no need to change anything. In the end, she will be the one to lose out but by then, it’ll be too late because she’ll probably be found on the floor in a pool of blood with stab wounds right through the center of her heart - and the neighbors will say, we tried to tell her but she didn’t listen.
The method is not that complicated; by collecting One Million Signatures under the rules of the Lisbon Treaty and calling for a new referendum for the FREEDOM OF THE FRENCH AGAINST THE EUROPEAN UNION, now, while we still can (just by simply voting against…); after they change the flag, the only way to put France back in the hands of the French, will be to wage nothing less than another war; the loss of lives, will be far worse than any damage the COVID19 and terrorist attacks combined, can do. If we do nothing, we will lose everything because the opposition is aggressive and getting richer off the backs of others, and you guys are giving the accomplice your taxes, 21 Billion Euros in annual contributions to the European Union, are donated courtesy of the President of the French Republic.
I don’t see that Macron has a choice really, I mean ‘no president wants to be assassinated’ but the people in the voting booths still do so the power is still with you!
The first warning was the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty against the will of the French voters, who voted ‘NO’ on a first round majority. The people should have signed a petition and called for a referendum for the FREEDOM OF THE FRENCH AGAINST THE EUROPEAN UNION; but instead, they tried to rescue something of the old peace.
The Lisbon Treaty came into force in 2009, breaching the Rule of Law; Title 6, Article 53 of the 5th Constitution of the French Republic states that ‘…treaties and international agreements may be ratified or approved ONLY by RULE OF LAW; a treaty that overrides local constitutions that allowed Donald Tusk (a Polish Communist who in the face of ‘the people’ boasts democracy), to rule as the president of the EU Council for 5 long years, instead of just six months. On the old system, the six month turnaround ensured transparency, which was lost under the new rules of the Lisbon Treaty. Now there’s too much secrecy and in case you haven’t noticed, OUR PEOPLE ARE DYING.
The stolen oil stops over in Malta and is then processed in Italy. It is then distributed throughout EU Member States, including but not limited to Spain, France, Germany and stops in the UK. The profits are distributed in April every year and are used to pay high end bribes keeping everyone quiet. This is not just businesses like they want people to think, there is a real danger here because these Chinese investors who are working overtime to buy out the center of Paris, are suspected of having ties to Russia; in addition, wealthy Russian officials are buying Maltese passports to have freedom of movement throughout the European Union; BUT they are making them selves comfortable in Paris;;; France, has the same problem as Malta - its geographical location - to get the stolen oil from Libya, through Malta and all way to Germany and the UK, it has to go through France; and EUROPOL (who are fully funded by the European Union, with ZERO suicide rates), are no doubt seeing it through the borders for their share of the profits.
My father used to always say, ‘there are risks and there is stupidity, if you drink alcohol it’s a risk but if you take drugs, it’s stupid’.
Least we forget, The Bataclan, Je Suis Charlie followed by the Burning of Notre Dame and PARIS IS FOR SALE TO FOREIGN INVESTORS WITH SUSPECTED TIES TO RUSSIA.
…and now the COVID19!
And if you think France is too small to stand on it’s own, firstly it won’t be on its own with America as allies, who have won every world war and are investing heavily in Paris, with no suspected ties to Russia; and secondly you should consider Malta’s position during WWII, it was dubbed the most bombed country on earth by the Germans, a small island appearing like a dot on the world map, but it was not conquered by Hitler, because the Maltese were united and their FAITH UNSHAKABLE; and the Germans in collaboration with the Italian and French Governments (under the Vichy Regime), could not divide them. The Maltese, knew how the pray and were on their knees every day in front of a lit candle praying the Holy Rosary to the Blessed Virgin Mary. A son can never deny his mother and the Virgin Mary, is the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Together, the Maltese fought back and GOD won.
Malta kept their independence and refused to collaborate with the German‘s, and the oil stayed in Libya, where GOD put it.
Since 2014, 30 Million Euros tax free has been made from the stolen oil by dictators of the European Union, but the Russian’s went one better, they are stealing the diamonds and their ruthless pursuit for power and hatred for women, is a warning and a great danger. They want Paris, they need Paris and the European Union have got both hands stretched out for the diamonds.
My father had another favorite saying, he used to say ‘Anna, no matter how big and strong you are, there will always be someone bigger and stronger than you; and if you do the wrong thing, some one will come along and do it better than you!’